Before Ronald Reagan became president, he was on a flight from Chicago to Los Angeles with my mom. They flew coach. My Mom had to go to her eldest brother's funeral, so it wasn't a good experience for her to begin with. Also, it was her first and only time in a plane, and she was really anxious about it. Walking back to her seat from yet another visit to the loo, Mom spotted Reagan and blurted out "Hey! Ronnie Reagan! How the heck are ya?!" Ronnie looked up, smiled at my mom, got up out of his seat, and greeted my mom with a warm handshake and a few moments of friendly banter. The man could not have been nicer.
Anyway, in regard to current crop of GOP candidates, I feel that none of them seem to have a genuine connection with anyone who would fly coach, or would have empathy for a nervous, grieving woman on a plane.
That's not true at all. Now that Next Gingrich is Catholic, he would have guilted somebody in first class to make a profound difference in someone else's life and give up her seat for your mom. Santorum would have made conversation with her about her birthin' hips. Romney would have let her ride in the cargo hold of his private jet. Ron Paul would've loosened her up with a joint.